With winter upon us, the MIRA’s endorsed insurance provider “Conifer Insurance Company” shares these tips to remind you about a variety of freezing weather topics, including how to reduce snow loads on roofs, avoid frozen pipes, and deal with flooding caused by melting snow.
Snow Roof Risks:
How much snow on your roof is too much?
- A standard structure should be able to support 20 lbs per square foot of roof space.
- 20 – 25 lbs of snow is considered the “Danger Zone”
- Consider use of a “Roof Rake” – for approximately $40, you can safely remove snow from your roof.
- Frozen Pipes:
- During cold weather, frozen pipes are one of the biggest risks of property damage.
- 37% of all frozen pipe failures occur in basements.
- To help prevent your pipes from freezing, consider the use of pipe insulation which can cost as little as .50 cents per linear foot.
Winter Flood Risks:
Make sure to identify flood risks when snow and ice begin to melt. Keep in mind that rain can make snow melt more quickly…
- Safely clear your drains and gutters of any debris and make sure snowmelt flows away from your building.
- Safely remove excess snow form your roof using a roof rake, or hire a professional contractor.
- Seal any cracks or gaps in your building’s foundation.
Guard your Fire Protection System Against Freezing Temperatures:
Fire protection equipment is especially vulnerable when arctic temperatures affect a building. Failure or disruption of these important fire protection systems can also be expensive to repair.
Fire protection equipment includes water mains, extinguishers, hydrants, sprinkler systems and post indicator valves which can be extremely vulnerable to drops in temperature during severe winter weather.
- Plan for maintenance personnel to monitor your building during cold snaps.
- Provide heat for dry-pipe sprinkler system enclosures. Make sure space heaters are in good operating condition.
- Be certain that hydrants and their locations are properly marked so they may be easily located and cleared after a heavy snowstorm.