On February 28th the MIRA will be taking part in a lobby day at the Michigan State capitol to educate key decision makers about the petroleum industry. Along with groups representing the drilling, refining, and wholesaling communities, the MIRA will participate on behalf of the retail side of the industry. All segments of the industry will be on hand to show that the petroleum industry is not just big refiners or fuel retailers but an entire system that includes different parts that are all equally important and all dependent on each other.
On February 28th we will hit the streets of Lansing to show our industry’s importance and strength. We will meet with key legislators, testify in a legislative committee on the economic and social importance our industry has on Michigan, partake in events with the media, and host a lunch for legislators, staff, key regulators, and members of the industry.
We are hoping for a good turnout from the retail industry. As an on-the-ground member of the industry your insight is the most important piece to our lobby day efforts. If you would like to participate in the event please contact me at dpapineau@afpdonline.org.
This event is planned for all day, including a luncheon where we invited members of the Michigan Senate and House of Representatives. If you can’t spend all day with us, carve out a couple hours to learn about the issues that affect your business and show your interest to your Representative and Senator. Contact Dan Papineau, MIRAs Government Relations Director at dpapineau@afpdonline.org, and ask how you can help.