In this difficult economy, don’t throw away an opportunity to save your company money. CareWorks Consultants (CCI) consistently offers industry-leading premium savings and competitive marketplace fees through MIRA’s workers’ compensation group rating program.
As the February 26th deadline for enrollment into group rating approaches, take a look at your budget for this year. Enrollment into a group rating program can help employers save money on their workers’ compensation premiums. CCI customers have saved nearly $2.1 billion in premiums with our comprehensive, full service program which includes:
- Hearing Representation
- Premium Discounts
- Rate & Underwriting Analysis
- Claims Management
- BWC Discount Program Evaluation
- Unemployment Consultation
Take advantage of expert program management, claim services, and premium savings. To discuss your unique savings situation or receive a new copy of your quote, please call a CCI sales assistant toll-free at (800) 837-3200. The deadline to return your group rating packet is February 26, 2013.