Enrollment packets due soon!
The deadline to enroll in the Midwest Independent Retailers Association workers’ compensation group program is just around the corner! Make sure you choose our program administered by CareWorks Comp.
Your organization requested a quote, and enrollment paperwork was sent to you for our traditional group rating and/or group retrospective rating programs. The deadline to enroll in these programs is quickly approaching. Don’t miss out on your opportunity for significant premium savings!
- November 13, 2020 – Deadline for CareWorks Comp to receive Traditional Group Rating paperwork (AC26 Form and Disclosure Form)
- January 22, 2021 – Deadline for CareWorks Comp to receive Group Retrospective Rating paperwork (U153 Form)
As a member, our program offers a full range of services designed to help lower your costs:
- Group Rating
- Group Retrospective Rating
- Safety & Risk Management Consulting
- Unemployment Compensation
CareWorks Comp has helped Ohio employers save more than $3 billion in upfront, premium discounts and returned more than $300 million in premium rebates.
Contact Julia Bowling, CareWorks Comp Program Manager, at 513.218.4062 or julia.bowling@careworkscomp.com for more information about your program options.
Time is running out – Deadline to submit group rating paperwork is November 13, 2020!