As you may recall, on May 2, Governor Kasich and BWC Administrator/CEO Buehrer announced a three-part plan designed to put money back into the pockets of hard-working Ohioans, improve worker safety, and bring up to date the Ohio BWC. BWC began printing these rebate checks this week and will continue printing and mailing the checks in batches through July 12. According to the BWC, the checks are being printed numerically by policy number, so more than likely a company that has been in business longer (the lower the policy number), the sooner its check will be printed and mailed. The other two parts of this exciting announcement is the increased funding of the Safety Grant Program, tripling the amount from $5 million to $15 million, and the transformation of the BWC premium collection program towards a prospective-payment system. You can read more information about this three-pronged announcement on the Ohio BWC website and make sure to keep an eye out for your rebate checks!